LD20-09 Trace hydrocarbons (THCs/VOCs) with MultiDetek2 and FID
AN-LD20-09.pdf (1.96 Mo)
Measuring hydrocarbons using a flame ionization detector (FID) with the MultiDetek2 gas chromatograph instrument.
Combining our FID with our high performance adjustable amplification system, the measure of organics in low ppb up to high ppm becomes an easy task. Our high performance sub femto amp. current amplifier with its filtrering stages ensure to achieve low sensitivity by keeping the stability of the unit at the best level. Our module is built in a shielded encapsulated environment to offer the best robustness and leaving the interferences away from the signal.
The FID/amplifier modules are mounted in our MultiDetek2 rackmount analyzer which is constructed for the industrial market.
The range of application can go from ASU for monitoring hydrocarbons in bulk gases to environmental applications for measuring VOCs for indoor/outdoor ambient polluated air and industrial stacks.
The Multidetek 2 is providing all communication protocols used in the industry (Modbus, Profibus, RS-485, 4-20 mA, etc) to ensure compatibility with any acquisition system.
LD19-06 - VOCs measurement in the air
AN-LD19-06.pdf (4.40 Mo)
The analysis of indoor/outdoor air quality is becoming an important part of our day-to-day priorities due to the
increasing contaminant level caused by the industrial processes. The main contaminants to be controlled in the air
are the VOCs (volatile organic compounds).
VOCs are human-made contaminants used and produced in the processing of product manufacturing as paints,
adhesives, petroleum products, pharmaceuticals, and refrigerants. This includes emissions from automotive and
industrial activity among other sources.
LD16-13 - Measurement of Greenhouse gases GHG
AN-LD16-13.pdf (1,33 Mo)
LD16-01 - Air analysis using the MultiDetek2 and PlasmaDetek2
Application note_LD16-01 (955 Ko)
LD15-03 Measurement of part per billion N2O in air
Application note LD15-03 (1,7 Mo)
With the global warming concerns, it is more and more critical to measure the nitrous oxide (N2O) concentration in the ambient air. This application note will demonstrate how efficient the use of the PlasmaDetek-E is for the measurement of extremely low concentration of N2O in ambient air without interference.
LD12-1 Greenhouse analysis with the PlasmaDetek
Application Note LD12-1 (807 Ko)

Industrial Gas
AN-LD24-02 Diving gas analyser
AN-LD23-02 1.3(Mo)
AN-LD23-03 - Analysis of trace impurities in UHP Krypton
AN-LD23-03 (2 mo)
AN-LD23-04 - Analysis of trace impurities in UHP Argon
AN-LD23-04 (2,2 Mo)
LD23-01 Analysis of trace impurities in UHP Helium
AN-LD23-01 (1,8 mo)
LD22-01 Analysis of Krypton & Xenon in UHP Oxygen
AN-LD22-01.pdf (2,6 mo)
Measuring Krypton and Xenon in Oxygen is required to produce these rare gases. Using our Multidetek3 GC with our PED, the production of Kr-Xe can be realized.
The Multidetek3 industrial gas chromatograph configured with the plasma emission detector using Argon or Helium carrier gas is used to measure any concentrations of krypton and xenon. The instrument uses two packed columns and an heartcut valve configuration to separate and measure the krypton and xenon.
LD21-01 Trace impurities measurement for synthetic diamond "grows" by chemical vapor deposition (CVD)
AN-LD21-01 (2,20 Mo)
By recreating the conditions underneath the Earth that result in diamond growth: pressure, heat, & carbon.
Laboratory grown diamonds can be referred to as lab created diamonds, grown diamonds, synthetic diamonds, man-made diamonds, cultivated diamonds, or cultured diamonds. Diamonds are grown all over the world in high-tech facilities staffed by scientists, engineers, and technicians. West to East, here are locations of significant diamond production[...]
LD20-06 Measuring trace O2-N2-H2O for Lithium-Ion batteries inert atmosphere
AN-LD20-06 1,05 Mo
LD20-04 MultiDetek2 with PlasmaDetek2 configured as online analyser for fast Crude Argon analysis
AN-LD20-04 1 Mo
Trace-moisture-analysis 3,30 Mo
The analyzer provides consistently accurate measurements of trace moisture. This consistency is achieved using a self-calibration system, which adjusts the sensor with reference to an internal moisture generator. The moisture generator is supplied with a calibration traceable to NPL and NIST, so long term stability of its measurements is guaranteed.
LD19-05 Measurement of impurities in UHP Argon for HIP process using the MultiDetek2 and PlasmaDetek2
AN-LD19-05 2,62 Mo
Argon is a widely used gas in different needs such as steel industries, air separation, welding, purging, chemical plants, semiconductor and others. Having a good analytical tool is mandatory to ensure the required purity of argon.
LD16-11 - Measurement of trace impurities in multiple bulk gases
Application note LD16-11 (2,97 Mo)
LD16-10 - Measurement of trace Ar-Kr and N2 in a bulk gas Oxygen
Application note LD16-10 (1,12 Mo)
LD16-09 - Measurement of trace impurities in UHP hydrogen
Application note LD16-09 (636 Ko)
LD16-08 - Measurement of hydrocarbons in UHP Oxygen using the MultiDetek 2 and PlasmaDetek-E
Application note LD16-08 (1,68 Mo)
LD16-07 - Measurement of impurities in UHP Argon using the MultiDetek 2 and PlasmaDetek 2
AN-LD16-07 (709 ko)
The most popular technique for UHP argon analysis is to detect trace impurities by gas chromatography. Some of the most common technologies will use a combination of multiple detectors to achieve the analysis requirements. Most commonly used are FID (flame ionization detector) combined with PDD (pulse discharge detector). This technique requires the need of helium as carrier gas what is an expensive gas to be used as carrier gas for the analysis of H2-N2-CO-CO2. The analyses of hydrocarbons will be performed using the FID what requires extra cost due to air and fuel. On top of that, the oxygen analysis must be performed using a separated trace oxygen analyzer due to the co elution of argon and oxygen in the gas chromatography system with helium ionization detection technique.
LD16-06 - LD8000 MultiGas online gas analysis solution for high purity compressed Helium used in cryogenic installations.
AN-LD16-06 (398 ko)
LD16-02 - Analysis of hydrocarbons, CO2, N2O in Oxygen with the MultiDetek2 compact GC system using Nitrogen as carrier gas and the PlasmaDetek-E detection technology
Application note_LD16-02 (665 Ko)
LD15-08 - Measurement of impurities in UHP helium using MultiDetek2 and PlasmaDetek2
Application Note LD15-08 (0,8 Mo)
Helium is a widely used gas in different needs such as cryogenics, pressurizing and purging, welding, controlled atmospheres, leak detection and breathing mixtures. Having a good analytical tool is mandatory to ensure the required purity of helium.
The most popular technique for UHP helium analysis is to detect impurities by gas chromatography. But some detection technologies within the GC do not provide the desired detection limit or can simply not measure some critical impurities like neon.
LD14-01 - Light hydrocarbons measurement with the *PlasmaDetek-E system with nitrogen carrier gas and the MultiDetek-2.
Application Note LD14-01 847 Ko
Hydrocarbons are ones of the most important impurities measured in the industry. Whether it is for safety, quality control, special gases or any other needs, those compounds are everywhere.
The techniques used to measure those compounds have been the same for quite some years. The FID (Flame Ionization Detector) is surely the most widely used in the industry. The selectivity for hydrocarbon (HC) gives the simplicity desired for all gas chromatograph (GC) users. However the need of air, but mostly hydrogen as fuel is the drawback of this technology. Many plants and laboratories would like to get rid of the hydrogen as potential explosive gas. All the safety feature (valves, extra lines, procedures, etc) are required an brings extra cost and manpower.
LD13-02 - Measurement of nitrogen in a mixture of Argon-Oxygen
Application Note LD13-02.pdf (2,7 Mo)
The measurement online of nitrogen in UHP argon is widely used and the LD8000 is now a reference in such measurement. However when measuring crude argon with a few % of oxygen, the conventional online instruments are not suitable anymore.
LD13-01 - Analysis of UHP Hydrogen production using Plasmadetek-2 & micro GC Multidetek-2
Application Note LD13-01.pdf (1.1 Mo)
The high purity hydrogen production demand is rising quickly and the need of measuring low ppb trace in a quick analysis run is then required. Most of the GC technologies available on the market use the same methods for years which required quite complex systems. Those systems require the use of different detectors to cover the application and a complex chromatograph configuration what make the price of such system increasing. The complexity of the chromatograph operations, the long analysis time and the limitations to achieve low ppb measurement are often faced.
LD8000 Trace Nitrogen in Argon or Helium analyzer - DESIGN REPORT
Design Report (2,6 Mo)
The need of trace nitrogen in argon or helium analysis in the industry is not something new. Many instruments have been and still are on the market to achieve such measurement for different type of applications. The most popular use is without any doubt in air separation industry for the production of argon.
The demand and the production of gas more and more pure require good analytical instrumentations. It is even more the case for the measurement of nitrogen. Small leakage, dead volume, change in temperature, bad accuracy, etc can all cause big headaches.
In this document, information about the design of the LDetek LD8000 trace nitrogen in argon or helium analyzer will be described to explain how we achieve such good performance. Those results are also described to show that the LD8000 is now the solution for any applications that require such measurement.
LD12-9 Hydrocarbons measurement for Oxygen production using PlasmaDetek & Multidetek-2
Application Note LD12-9 (2,8 Mo)
Oxygen is one of the basic chemical elements. In its most common form, oxygen is a colorless gas found in air. It is one of the life-sustaining elements on Earth and is needed by all animals. Oxygen is also used in many industrial, commercial, medical, and scientific applications. It is used in blast furnaces to make steel, and is an important component in the production of many synthetic chemicals, including ammonia, alcohols, and various plastics. Oxygen and acetylene are combusted together to provide the very high temperatures needed for welding and metal cutting.
The most common commercial method for producing oxygen is the separation of air using either a cryogenic distillation process or a vacuum swing adsorption process. Nitrogen and argon are also produced by separating them from air. The figure 1 represents a common cryogenic distillation process for producing oxygen.
LD12-7 Analysis of Neon-Hydrogen-Argon-Krypton-Nitrogen with the PlasmaDetek & the HSR-Etek column
Application Note LD12-7 (819 Ko)
LD12-6 Increasing argon production with the MultiDetek
Application Note LD12-6 (438 Ko)
Air is composed of nitrogen (78.09%), oxygen (20.94%) and argon (0.934%). To produce pure argon, distillation process separates the air constituent by the use of distillation columns. Such installation on an air separation plant is used for many years.
This separation process is based on vapor pressure of each component. Argon is taken from a low pressure column and introduced in a second column called crude argon. Since argon vapor pressure is close to oxygen, and also between nitrogen and oxygen, its extraction is between those two other components in the low pressure column before being introduced in the second column.

AN-23-06 - Gas analysis solution for polyolefin plants
AN 23-06 1.3(Mo)
LD17-01 - Trace Hydrocarbons and Permanent gases in Propylene
AN-LD17-01.pdf (0,92 Mo)
The high purity Propylene is used for the production of Polypropylene in Petrochemical industry. The analysis of trace impurities is critical to ensure a good quality of the final product. The analysis of hydrocarbons and permanent gases are required at a level below 10ppm to ensure the good operation of the production process.
LD16-05 - Refinery gas analyses with MultiDetek2 compact gas chromatograph and PlasmaDetek2 gas detector
AN_LD16-05 (916 ko)
LD13-03 - Measurement of H2S and COS in Syngas with MultiDetek 2
Application Note LD13-03.pdf (1,5 Mo)
Singas (Synthesis gas) a fuel gas mixture, primarily composed of hydrogen, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide,
is mainly used as intermediate in creating synthetic natural gas (SNG) or ammonia or methanol.
To be able to use a clean and environmental friendly fuel and feedstock, the sulfurs compounds must be removed.
Right analysis tool is needed to ensure that the concentration of sulfurs is kept at the minimum desired level.
LD12-8 Analysis of Sulfurs with the PlasmaDetek
Application Note LD12-8 (1,1 Mo)

LD15-01 - Measurement of hydrocarbons, including the organic hormone (Ethylene) in CO2 production with MultiDetek-2 and PlasmaDetek-E
Application note LD15-01 (1,6 Mo)
A Greenhouse CO2 environment is commonly used for the production of organics like fruits, plants and flowers. In this case, the production and control of the CO2 gas purity are critical to ensure the proper growth of the organics.

Electronic gases & Semiconductor
LD24-01 Analysis of trace impurities in UHP Silane
AN-LD24-01 1.3(Mo)
LD23-05 1.3(Mo)
LDGSS gas stream selector using diaphragm stainless steel valves for ultra high purity streams, MultiDetek3 gas chromatograph configured with plasma emission detector for part per billion detections.
Chromatograms for trace impurities H2- O2-Ar-N2-CH4-CO-CO2-NMHC in bulk gases Oxygen/Nitrogen used for semiconductor application. The MultiDetek3 gas chromatographs are configured with PED and proper columns to measure within a range of 0-100ppb with a limit of detection set at 0.5 ppb
LD22-03 Analysis of sub ppb trace impurities in UHP Oxygen
LD22-03 2,24 Mo
LD21-02 Analysis of trace impurities in UHP F2-Cl2 and WF6 used for semiconductor industry with the PlasmaDetek2 and MultiDetek2 GC
AN-LD21-02 2 Mo
Measuring trace impurities down to sub ppb is required by the semiconductor industry to qualify the purity of its critical UHP bulk gases Chlorine (Cl2), Tungsten hexafluoride (WF6) and Fluorine (F2). These high purity gases are also employed in numerous industrial applications also requiring qualification of it prior to use.
The MultiDetek2 gas chromatograph is configured here with 2 trains. Both channels are each coupled with a PlasmaDetek2 (PED) sensor configured with the proper optical configuration to selectively measure the selected impurities. One train is used for the analysis of H2-O2-N2-CH4-CO while the second train is used for the analysis of CO2 and SF6.
LD20-07 Measurement of ppt for semiconductor H2-CO2-NMHC-N2-CO-CH4 in UHP gases
AN-LD20-07 2,24 Mo
LD20-03 MultiDetek2 gas chromatograph with PlasmaDetek2 detector uses for the analysis of semiconductor specialty gases as UHP Octafluorocyclobutane (C4F8)
AN-LD20-03 1 Mo
LD19-03 Measurement of trace impurities in high purity nitrous oxide (N2O) for electronic gas industry using PlasmaDetek2 and MultiDetek2 GC
AN-LD19-03 5,3 Mo
Nitrous oxide (N2O), often referred to as laughing gas, is used in the high-tech thin film industries of semiconductor and LCD display manufacturing. The primary application is the reaction with silane (SiH4) or other silicon precursors to produce high-quality oxide films (SiOx), which are used as electrical insulators in microelectronic transistors. N2O is increasingly used to make thin-film oxides with other elements like titanium, aluminium, magnesium and zirconium. It is also used in the selective etching of semiconductor thin-films.
LD19-02 Measurement of trace impurities in high purity Nitrogen trifluoride (NF3) for electronic gas industry using PlasmaDetek2 and MultiDetek2 GC
AN-LD19-02 4,21 Mo
The analysis of high purity nitrogen trifluoride is commonly used for the electronic market in the plasma etching of silicon wafers for the production of liquid crystal displays.
LD18-01 - Measurement of trace impurities in Germane (GeH4) for electronic gas industry using PlasmaDetek2 and MultiDetek2
AN_LD18-01.pdf (680 Ko)
The PlasmaDetek2 and the MultiDetek2 combined with the highly safe continuous monitoring sampling system allows the measurement of GeH4 purity with reduced risk. The N2 monitoring of the purged box is essential to ensure there is no ignition risk inside the MultiDetek2.
The trace impurities measurement can be realized with a relatively short analysis time and can offer very low limit of detection of the measured impurities what is required for GeH4 purity analysis.
LD15-04 - Measurement of silane purity in electronic gases industry
Application Note LD15-04 (1,8 Mo)
LD15-02 - Measurement of part per billion Ar and N2 in oxygen for semiconductor industry
Application note LD15-02 (1,5 Mo)
The oxygen pipeline purity that goes to the semiconductor industry must be properly measured to ensure that there is no contaminant in it. It is critical and challenging to measure the ppb content of argon and nitrogen impurities in oxygen. The conventional technique used for such application is with a heated Oxy-Trap system combined with HID or conventional PED. Such technique requires a complex chromatography system with periodic Oxy-Trap regeneration with hydrogen. The operations of such system require a lot of maintenance and specialist interventions on a routine basis.

Natural Gas
LD19-04 Measurement of sulfurs & mercaptans combined with THT-TBM in natural gas using the MultiDetek2 and PlasmaDetek2
AN-LD19-04 3,32 Mo
Natural gas is colourless and odourless in its most pure form. When extracted, it can contain sulphur compounds such as sulfurs and Mercaptans that when in the presence of moisture can produce sulphuric acid that can degrade the pipeline.
LD19-01 Measurement of THT-TBM odorants in natural gas using the MultiDetek 2 and PlasmaDetek 2
AN-LD19-01 1,85 Mo
The quick analysis of trace tetrahydrothiophene (THT) in LNG is required for controlling the amount of this odorant added in the natural gas. The THT is used for his smell to detect any presence of gas leakage in natural gas distribution network. The THT is generally used in mixture containing tert-Butylthiol (TBM) which is an organosulfur compound. In presence of TBM in natural gas, it is required to measure its concentration at low ppb/ppm because of its strong odor that causes nausea. The permissive expose limit (PEL) is in the range of 500ppb and it is the reason why highly sensitive detection system is required for both measuring THT and TBM in natural gas. This application note is the continuity of the previous app. Note LD15-09.
LD15-09 - Measurement of THT in natural gas using MultiDetek2 and PlasmaDetek2
Application note_LD15-09 (1,38 mo)
A quick analysis to trace tetrahydrothiophene (THT) in natural gas is required for controlling the amount of this odorant added in the natural gas. Due to its odor, the THT is used to detect any presence of gas leakage in natural gas distribution networks. The THT is composed of a five-membered ring containing four carbon atoms and a sulfur atom. It is also known as thiophane or thiolane. The THT is generally used in mixtures containing tert-Butylthiol (TBM) which is an organosulfur compound with the formula (CH3)3CSH. In the presence of TBM in natural gas, it is required to measure its concentration at low ppb/ppm because of its strong odor that causes nausea. The permissible exposure limit (PEL) is in the range of 500ppb and it is the reason why a highly sensitive detection system is required for measuring both THT and TBM in natural gas.

LD20-08 Measurement of trace impurities in UHP hydrogen for fuel cells with the HyDetek system solution
AN-LD20-08 (3,4 Mo)
Hydrogen fuel cells offer reliability and a smaller carbon footprint compared to diesel and battery systems.
An hydrogen fuel cell is an electrochemical cell that converts the chemical energy of a fuel (hydrogen) and an oxidizing agent (often
oxygen) into electricity through a pair of redox reactions.
Fuel cells come in many varieties; however, they all work in the same general manner. They are made up of three adjacent segments:
the anode the electrolyte, and the cathode. Two chemical reactions occur at the interfaces of the three different segments. The net
result of the two reactions is that fuel is consumed, water is created, and an electric current is created, which can be used to power
electrical devices, normally referred to as the load.
To keep the durability and the performances of the fuel cells, the hydrogen used must conform to the ISO 14687 Part 2 to know and
measure the acceptable limits of contaminants as listed in the table.
LD16-04 - Sulfur Hexafluoride (SF6) purity analysis using the MultiDetek 2 and PlasmaDetek 2
AN-LD16-04 (496 ko)

Food and Beverage
LD23-02 - Analysis of trace impurities in UHP Carbon Dioxide
AN-LD23-02 (2 mo)
LD17-04 - Trace impurities in Carbon Dioxide for beverage and food packaging industry
application_note_LD17-04 (2,2 Mo)
With regards to the beverage industry, the dissolved Carbon Dioxide which is used as carbonic acid gives a pleasantly acidic avour and a nice mouth-feel when drinking. When it is not present, the drinks taste at. Being used in many different elds of food and beverage, the CO2 quality management is essential to meet the market requirements.
LD17-02 - Gas analysis for wineries
application_note_LD17-02 (1142 Ko)
LD16-12 - trace impurities in Carbon Dioxide for beverage and food packaging industry
Application note LD16-12 (2,10 Mo)
With regards to the beverage industry, the dissolved Carbon Dioxide which is used as carbonic acid gives a pleasantly acidic fl avour and a nice mouth-feel when drinking. When it is not present, the drinks taste fl at. Being used in many different fi elds of food and beverage, the CO2 quality management is essential to meet the market requirements.
The CO2 is produced from different techniques such as fermentation, combustion, ammonia/hydrogen production and others. It is required by the industry, especially for bottlers to control the supply chain by monitoring the CO2 purity allowing maintenance of the product quality.

Pharmaceutical and Medecine
LD24-03 MultiDetek3 gas chromatograph uses for medical & pharmaceutical applications
AN-LD24-03 AN-LD24-03

Electronic Special Gases
LD25-01 Analysis of trace impurities in UHP hydrogen chloride (HCl)
AN-LD25-01 1.4(Mo)
LD24-04 Analysis of trace impurities in UHP Ammonia
LD24-04 1.3(Mo)
LD23-07 Analysis of trace impurities in UHP Xenon
AN-LD23-07 (2 mo)
LD21-03 Analysis of trace impurities in UHP B2H6 used for semiconductor industry with the PlasmaDetek2 and MultiDetek2 GC
AN-LD21-03 1 Mo
The MultiDetek2 gas chromatograph is configured with one channel for the light impurities and another channel for the heavier impurities to measure. Both channels used a PED with Helium as carrier gas source.
Working here with the very reactive sample gas B2H6, which is also well known to generate weak acids, the separation columns and the detectors mounted in each channel are individually protected with a pre-column mounted in a backflush to vent configuration. The protection columns and the backflush/injection diaphragm valves are constructed with Hastelloy to be compatible with the aggressivity of the sample gas.
On top of that, the MultiDetek2 is equipped with an integrated stream selector system also constructed with Hastelloy material. The stream selector system allows to switch from stream B2H6 along to Span gas for calibration/validation purpose. An extra inlet has been added to the stream selector system to switch the sample gas between each analysis to an inert gas being helium in this case. This feature is used to protect the injection valves and sampling loops from the aggressivity of the sample gas. By this type of configuration, we keep the corrosion and degradation of the flow path away.
LD20-05 MultiDetek2 gas chromatograph with PlasmaDetek2 & TCD detectors uses for the analysis of purity Xenon-Krypton-Neon
AN-LD20-05 2,67 Mo
LD20-02 MultiDetek2 gas chromatograph with PlasmaDetek2 detector uses for hydrogen isotopes separation and the analysis of impurities in Deuterium
AN-LD20-02 1,4 Mo
Our other fields of applications

Hydrocarbons processing